Oil Empire

Oil companie [WOC] World Oil Corporation

Common Capital Stock: $ 311,135,827,578
Oil Region Abu Dhabi
Continental crude oil fields operations:
89 x Greenland
84 x North America
74 x South America
71 x Europa
76 x OPEC
53 x Russia
65 x Indochina
77 x Central America
71 x East Asia
70 x Australia
40 x South Africa

Stock Exchange Price Chart

Thieben Oil


Crude Oil drilling process
oil fields: 9
World Rank: 41573
Extraction : We process drilling and bringing crude oil to the surface.

Blubber AG


refining and transforming crude oil to gasoline
Value : $ 56,713,473,628
oil fields: 22
World Rank: 89
Refining : We transforming crude oil into various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and heating oils.


W.O.C. -EU Oil- World Oil Corporation
crude oil tanker is underway
Value : $ 17,099,050,226
oil fields: 13
World Rank: 138
Transportation : We moving crude oil from production sites to refineries and then to distribution points.



crude oil tank with rising sun
Value : $ 50,974,826,073
oil fields: 14
World Rank: 92
Storage : Holding crude oil in large tanks or underground until it's needed for refining or distribution.


Value : $ 155,599,879,799
oil fields: 22
World Rank: 56
Distillation : Heating crude oil to separate it into different components based on boiling points

Fair Butterfly Corp.


Lassen wir die Glocken läuten !
oil fields: 9
World Rank: 42937
Conversion : We processing heavier fractions of oil into lighter, more valuable products



W.O.C. ...for Live!!
oil fields: 14
World Rank: 42616
Treatment : Purifying and finishing products to meet market specifications



.............................RaupenGesicht!!! denn nur hier mach das Spiel spass ...................................................................."W.O.C.-Sabozentrale
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 43001
Petrochemical Production : Creating chemicals and plastics from petroleum components.

Viking Oil Corporation


crude oil pipeline is getting fixed with welding
oil fields: 16
World Rank: 43068
Maintenance and Repair : Ensuring the operational integrity of oilfield equipment and infrastructure.


Mein Prestige verhilft mir zu verkürzten Bauzeiten!!!
oil companie
Value : $ 9,686,692,590
oil fields: 7
World Rank: 164
Data Management : Handling the vast amounts of data generated in oil exploration and production.

C.A.P.S. Oil


manager meeting about company charts on the wall
oil fields: 2
World Rank: 39564
Environmental Services : Managing waste and emissions to minimize environmental impact.


warten auf sinnvolle Verbesserungen
oil companie
oil fields: 3
World Rank: 42497
Engineering and Consulting : Providing expert advice on optimizing oilfield development and operations.

Fiffi`s Trade Cooperation


Ich suche Aktien jeglicher Art. Ich habe eine riesen Auswahl zum tauschen. Aktuell 152.214.580 Stück. Bei Interesse bitte melden. Ich prüfe jedes Angebot genau und habe keine Lust, drauf zu zahlen. Ich bin vorrangig daran interessiert mein Aktienvolumen zu vergrößern. Nehme im Prinzip jeden Schrott wenn dadurch mein Volumen erheblich steigt. Bei toten Konzernen muss die angebotene Tauschmenge mindestens das Dreifache sein. Hier kommen ja ständig Fusionien. Wenn jemand die Aktien seines eigenen Konzerns haben möchte, bin ich gerne bereit zu verhandeln. Wer da keine Lust drauf hat brauch mir auch keine Tauschangebote zu machen. Achja, wer mir Angebote macht, wo man meint ich wäre blöd, bekommt meine Sabos zu spüren. Generell gilt: SAT-Schutz ist nicht mehr nötig... Wer meine Agenten auf seinen Feldern sieht sollte lieber alles schnell in Sicherheit bringen oder Kaffee und Kuchen bereit stellen! Wer keine Lust auf meine Angriffe hat, kann mir gerne Schmiergeld zahlen bzw. wer mich mieten möchte um jemand speziellen anzugreifen kann auch gerne mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen. Wenn das die einzige Möglichkeit wäre sich zu wehren... schreib mich an!
trading on the crude oil market
Value : $ 410,419,400,565
oil fields: 28
World Rank: 36
Crude Oil Trading : Buying and selling crude oil on global markets, connecting producers with refiners and consumers.

World - Oil


Ich nehme es von den Reichen und gebe es denen die es brauchen! Und Ich brauche das Geld!!!
crude oil refinery
oil fields: 12
World Rank: 42901
Refining and Processing : Converting crude oil into petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemicals.



oil fields: 11
World Rank: 42193
Transportation and Logistics : Converting crude oil into petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemicals.



secure the terminal and storage service
oil fields: 15
World Rank: 43056
Storage and Terminal Services : Secure storage and handling of crude oil at terminals and facilities, ensuring reliable supply.

Bavarian OIL


oil fields: 22
World Rank: 42586
Exploration and Production : Discovering and extracting crude oil from onshore and offshore fields, using advanced drilling and extraction technologies.


Wer mir einen Sabo schickt...ist entweder ein Noob oder ein Idiot ;).................^^
Two manager shake hands. One women, one man
oil fields: 11
World Rank: 43062
Crude Oil Marketing : Connecting producers with buyers, negotiating sales agreements, and managing crude oil sales and delivery.

H.S. Oil - Produktion GmbH


Dieses Unternehmen ist Teil des W.O.C. Verbandes! Ich glaube mehr muss man an dieser Stelle nicht sagen! Ich weiß mich gegen Angriffe besser zu wehren als jeder Gegner sich denken würde! Darum bitte ich vorab um äusserste Vorsicht!
oil fields: 11
World Rank: 43067
Petrochemical Manufacturing : Producing chemicals and materials from crude oil, such as plastics, fertilizers, and textiles.

pezzy Oil


Habe eine Menge Aktien Pakete anzubieten, tausche aber nur 1:1 gegen W.O.C. Die Wirtschafts-Piraten Aktien !!! Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel, jedoch beschließe ich die Ausnahme! Für gegnerische Sabospieler: Sucht nicht bei mir, denn ihr werdet nicht viel finden!!! Meine Kohle liegt in Aktien fest und sicher!
oil companie pezzy Oil
oil fields: 21
World Rank: 42912
Crude Oil Analysis and Testing : Laboratory testing and analysis of crude oil to determine quality, composition, and compatibility.



oil companie Ertoklospit
oil fields: 18
World Rank: 43078
Refinery Maintenance and Repair : Regular maintenance and repair services to ensure optimal refinery operation and efficiency.



oil fields: 13
World Rank: 41403
Crude Oil Consulting : Expert advice and guidance on crude oil market trends, pricing, and supply chain management.



oil fields: 19
World Rank: 42090
Exploration Services : Our services involve the identification and assessment of potential oil reserves. This includes geological surveys, seismic testing, and the use of other geophysical and geochemical techniques to locate oil deposits.



Crude Oil drilling process
oil fields: 13
World Rank: 41513
Extraction : We process drilling and bringing crude oil to the surface.



refining and transforming crude oil to gasoline
oil fields: 11
World Rank: 42960
Refining : We transforming crude oil into various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and heating oils.



crude oil tanker is underway
oil fields: 15
World Rank: 42284
Transportation : We moving crude oil from production sites to refineries and then to distribution points.

Special Oil


crude oil tank with rising sun
Value : $ 6,556,097,349,262
oil fields: 38
World Rank: 15
Storage : Holding crude oil in large tanks or underground until it's needed for refining or distribution.

Standart Oil


(franky): unmögliches wird sofort gemcht , wunder dauern etwas länger
oil companie Standart Oil
Value : $ 100,730,101,590
oil fields: 24
World Rank: 63
Distillation : Heating crude oil to separate it into different components based on boiling points



oil fields: 22
World Rank: 42630
Conversion : We processing heavier fractions of oil into lighter, more valuable products

Hammond Oil


oil fields: 22
World Rank: 40099
Treatment : Purifying and finishing products to meet market specifications

Gekko's Industries


oil fields: 22
World Rank: 43058
Petrochemical Production : Creating chemicals and plastics from petroleum components.

derw oil


oil companie derw oil
oil fields: 15
World Rank: 42986
Maintenance and Repair : Ensuring the operational integrity of oilfield equipment and infrastructure.



oil fields: 11
World Rank: 43042
Data Management : Handling the vast amounts of data generated in oil exploration and production.



manager meeting about company charts on the wall
Value : $ 1,405,453,038,512
oil fields: 22
World Rank: 23
Environmental Services : Managing waste and emissions to minimize environmental impact.



oil companie Mountain-OIL
oil fields: 13
World Rank: 42510
Engineering and Consulting : Providing expert advice on optimizing oilfield development and operations.

Caro Oil


And they won't call me mother or sister or wife They don't no me or not by the strength of my life. Everyone know's i 'll be damned in this Game . I 'll be burn and Carola is my name.
trading on the crude oil market
oil fields: 14
World Rank: 42660
Crude Oil Trading : Buying and selling crude oil on global markets, connecting producers with refiners and consumers.



oil companie Welt-OIL-Crash
oil fields: 13
World Rank: 42959
Refining and Processing : Converting crude oil into petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemicals.

Oil - Produktion GmbH


oil companie Oil - Produktion GmbH
oil fields: 12
World Rank: 41857
Transportation and Logistics : Converting crude oil into petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemicals.

CLK Enterprises


secure the terminal and storage service
Value : $ 46,407,847,297
oil fields: 21
World Rank: 96
Storage and Terminal Services : Secure storage and handling of crude oil at terminals and facilities, ensuring reliable supply.



Value : $ 27,856,277,329
oil fields: 16
World Rank: 117
Exploration and Production : Discovering and extracting crude oil from onshore and offshore fields, using advanced drilling and extraction technologies.


Two manager shake hands. One women, one man
Value : $ 1,196,363,620,701
oil fields: 14
World Rank: 24
Crude Oil Marketing : Connecting producers with buyers, negotiating sales agreements, and managing crude oil sales and delivery.

Klein Bauer


oil fields: 9
World Rank: 40126
Petrochemical Manufacturing : Producing chemicals and materials from crude oil, such as plastics, fertilizers, and textiles.



Hallo hallo
oil companie Linkin
Value : $ 36,674,167
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 1080
Crude Oil Analysis and Testing : Laboratory testing and analysis of crude oil to determine quality, composition, and compatibility.



Value : $ 12,474,939
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 1498
Refinery Maintenance and Repair : Regular maintenance and repair services to ensure optimal refinery operation and efficiency.

Nauco Company


Wir wollen einfach nur, Das schwarze Gold ans Tageslicht bringen.
Value : $ 2,550,582,097
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 228
Crude Oil Consulting : Expert advice and guidance on crude oil market trends, pricing, and supply chain management.



Immer online, immer wachsam, immer an den Ölfeldern und immer was zu erzählen. Den Konzern nach vorne bringen, die Bestenliste hochklettern und die Begleiter mitziehen. Zusammen werden wir es schaffen!
oil companie RudeOIL
Value : $ 393,674,088,136
oil fields: 30
World Rank: 38
Exploration Services : Our services involve the identification and assessment of potential oil reserves. This includes geological surveys, seismic testing, and the use of other geophysical and geochemical techniques to locate oil deposits.



oil companie GremlinOiL
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 38034
Extraction : We process drilling and bringing crude oil to the surface.



refining and transforming crude oil to gasoline
Value : $ 18,572,232,662
oil fields: 21
World Rank: 135
Refining : We transforming crude oil into various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and heating oils.

Plainview Ltd.


crude oil tanker is underway
oil fields: 22
World Rank: 42081
Transportation : We moving crude oil from production sites to refineries and then to distribution points.

Kuwait Oil


crude oil tank with rising sun
Value : $ 109,550,562,673
oil fields: 13
World Rank: 61
Storage : Holding crude oil in large tanks or underground until it's needed for refining or distribution.

TransOil Ltd.


oil companie TransOil Ltd.
Value : $ 9,454,723,709
oil fields: 9
World Rank: 167
Distillation : Heating crude oil to separate it into different components based on boiling points



Auferstanden aus Ruinen
oil companie Sabozentrale
Value : $ 6,547,060,379
oil fields: 6
World Rank: 188
Conversion : We processing heavier fractions of oil into lighter, more valuable products