Oil Empire


Oil Empire Soap Interface

With our Soap interface you can access various data in any programming language. All you have to do is retrieve the WSDL file from the server.
The following items can currently be accessed:
  • fuel prices
  • Which User is Online
  • Corporation Member
  • Corporation Cache Money
  • Corporation Tank content
  • Corporation Equipment Storage content
  • Corporation Income from contracts
  • Corporation Transfer (on/off) Money/raw materials/Equipment
If you are interested in further data, write to our developer team using the support form and we will decide whether to release the data for you.
To access corporate data you need a developer code, which we will be happy to provide upon request. This means that unauthorized access to internal group data can be prevented.
Abu Dhabi URL: https://s1.oilimperium.de/interface/oi_4players_01.wsdl
Bahrain URL: http://gamesload.oilimperium.de/interface/oi_gamesload_01.wsdl
List of function names including inputs and outputs:
  • getOilPrice - fuel prices
    int or array getOilPrice( int $id )
    @param int 0 - 3  @return int *
    @param int 4  @return array (0 => crude oil, 1 => Kerosin, 2 => Diesel, 3 => Benzin)
    * 0 = crude oil
    * 1 = Kerosin
    * 2 = Diesel
    * 3 = Benzin
  • getUserOnline - Which user is Online
    array getUserOnline()
    @return array (0 => Anzahl, 1 => array(0 => Name 1, 1 => Name 2) )
  • getCorporateGroupBalance - corperate cache money
    int getCorporateGroupBalance( int $kid, string $code )
    @param int (Corperate ID)
    @param string (Password)
    @return int
  • getCorporateGroupLevel - Konzern tank content
    array getCorporateGroupLevel( int $kid, string $code, int $typ )
    @param int (KoCorperatenzern ID)
    @param string (Password)
    @param int 0 - 3   @return int *
    @param int 4  @return array (0 => crude oil, 1 => Kerosin, 2 => Diesel, 3 => Benzin)
    * 0 = crude oil
    * 1 = Kerosin
    * 2 = Diesel
    * 3 = Benzin
  • getCorporateGroupStock - Corperate Equipment Storage content
    array getCorporateGroupStock( int $kid, string $code, int $typ )
    @param int (Konzern ID)
    @param string (Passwort)
    @param int 0 - 8  @return int *
    @param int 9  @return array (0 => Bohrturm A, 1 => Tank A, 2 => Pipeline A, usw. )
    * 0 = Derrick A
    * 1 = Tank A
    * 2 = Pipeline A
    * 3 = Derrick B
    * 4 = Tank B
    * 5 = Pipeline B
    * 6 = Derrick C
    * 7 = Tank C
    * 8 = Pipeline C
  • getCorporateGroupContractsIn - Corperate income through contracts
    array getCorporateGroupContractsIn( int $kid, string $code, int $time )
    @param int (Corperate ID)
    @param string (Password)
    @param int (TIMESTAMP)
    @return array (array( 0 => VertragsId, 1 => "Umsatz"),
                    array(0 => VertragsId, 1 => "Umsatz"), usw.)
  • getCorporateGroupMember - Corperate members as names or as numbers
    array getCorporateGroupMember( int $kid, string $code, bool $typ )
    @param int (Corperate ID)
    @param string (Password)
    @param bool (false)  @return int
    @param bool (true)  @return array (0 => Name 1, 1 => Name 2)
  • getCorporateGroupTransfer - Corperate Transfer (on/off) money/raw material/Equipment
    array getCorporateGroupTransfer( int $kid, string $code, int $io, int $typ, int $time )
    @param int (Corperate ID)
    @param string (Password)
    @param int (In- Out) *
    @param int (Money/raw materials/Equipment)**
    @param int (TIMESTAMP)
    @return array
    * 1 = Ingoing
    * 2 = Outgoing
    ** 1 = Money
    ** 2 = Equipment
    ** 3 = fuels
There are different ways to process the information. Here is a small example for PHP.
  • Example:

    Start the Soap class from PHP and call a function

    # Variablen
    $debug = true; # show debug informationen
    $oi_kid = 0815; # Your corperate ID at Oil Empire
    $oi_code = "foobar"; # Your Developer Code at Oil Empire
    $wsdl_uri = "{var url}/interface/oi_{var game_name}.wsdl";
    path to the Oil Empire WSDL file
    # PHP Errors activate
    if( $debug == true )
    # deactivate Soap Cache
    ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);
    # connection to the oil empire server
    $soap = new SoapClient($wsdl_uri, array("trace" => 1));
    # show all available functionen
    if( $debug == true )
    $func = $soap->__getFunctions();
    # call a Soap function
    $benzin_preis = $soap->getOilPrice(4);
    echo $benzin_preis;
    Here you can find a small example code Download.